The Lone Ranger was an American radio and television show created by George W. Trendle and developed by Fran Striker. The title character is a masked Texas Ranger in the American Old West, who gallops about righting injustices with the aid of his clever, Indian sidekick, Tonto. On white horse Silver, the Ranger would say "Hi-yo, Silver, away!" as the horse galloped toward the setting sun. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear...
third party player
John Lewis Hart (December 13, 1917 – September 20, 2009),
John Lewis Hart also credited as John Hilton was an American film and television actor. In his early career, Hart appeared mostly in Westerns. Although Hart played mostly minor roles in some fairly well known films, he was probably best known for having replaced Clayton Moore in 1952 in the television series, The Lone Ranger for one season from 1952 until 1953.